We're planning his make-up birthday party for Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. at Gym Kidz in North Miami Beach. It's a reverse-invitation process. If you're within the sound of my voice (figuratively speaking), and you'd like to go, let us know at larrysilv@gmail.com so we can get a headcount. We had considered replicating my 40th birthday party (bounce house, cookout, etc.) However, the last few days of oppressive heat and humidity and intermittent rain have caused us to pick an indoor party.
Jake's doing OK. He feels crummy a few times a day, but I can usually distract him by changing the subject to something that excites him. Either that or he vomits. Dialysis is now 2:00p.m. M/W/F, so that lets Jake and Mommy sleep later. They don't get home from dialysis until 7:00 or later, so that makes family dinner later. That means he goes to sleep much later, and the cycle continues. If I get home early, I can knock of some Tour de France footage off the Tivo before it piles up. (My fearless prediction for the Tour is Alexandre Vinokourov, the pride of Kazakhstan)
I thought BORAT was the pride of Kazachstan! Happy Birthday little Jake!!!
Eric in NY
Happy Bday to big boy Jake!!!
Love - Cousins Jonah & Leah
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