No posts for a while - eh? We've transferred our "waiting list" time from University of Miami/Jackson Hospital to University of Florida/Shands Hospital in Gainesville. FYI - both of these hospitals are primarily affilaited with semi-pro football teams. There are allegedly medical schools at both facilities, but that appears to be a mere sideline to intercollegiate sports.
Shands appears to have a much more modern and user friendly (i.e., returning phone calls) pediatric transplant program. One other big change is that Shands encourages parents to donate a kidney, while UM discourages it. This week were going to Gainesville so Jen can be assessed as a potential kidney donor (She's a blood-type match, and I'm not). If she's a match, we may do the transplant in the next 45 days.
This weekend, we're going to Camp Boggy Creek, which is a camp for kids with medical issues. This is their Kidney and Cystic Fibrosis mixer weekend. My guess is that he goes for archery and fishing. It will be a nice break from Yu-Gi-Oh. On the other hand, I'm worried about whether Jen will enjoy cabin living.
Jake is otherwise doing very well. His brain is 100%. The kidney function is close to zero, which means that the dialysis sessions are taking longer, and are therefore more painful.
This weekend, we're going to Camp Boggy Creek, which is a camp for kids with medical issues. This is their Kidney and Cystic Fibrosis mixer weekend. My guess is that he goes for archery and fishing. It will be a nice break from Yu-Gi-Oh. On the other hand, I'm worried about whether Jen will enjoy cabin living.
Jake is otherwise doing very well. His brain is 100%. The kidney function is close to zero, which means that the dialysis sessions are taking longer, and are therefore more painful.
Thanks for the update Larry. Hope you have a great time this weekend and hope Jen's tests come back as a strong donor. Give Jacob some major hugs and kisses from us. Aferdita
Hope all went well in G-ville. I'm sorry to hear the dialysis is so painful. Hopefully he will get the transplant he needs soon. -Mary Carroll
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