The hospital's guest internet was down all day yesterday, so I couldn't post. I wasn't around in the afternoon to field the complaints that the iPad, laptop and Kindle weren't working properly. I received one call at the office about it, but there was nothing I could do remotely. They fixed it around 3am. On the other hand, I took a vow this time not to try to fix the IV pumps when they jam or clog. That shows some self restraint on my part, because one of the reasons that I decided to start my own law firm back in 2008 was that it would give me a chance to try to fix the copy machine myself.

However, I was able to prove my technical mettle as soon as I arrived yesterday. Jake had taken a trip down to the first floor gift shop (with IV pole in tow) and bought two Hot Wheels track kits - that are designed to be attached directly to the wall. He decided he wanted them set up in his hospital room - now. When I got here, the other adults had tried and failed. However, no mere toy can defeat a motivated nerd-dad. It's almost as gratifying as when I do house calls to hooks up friends' TVs and stereos. Almost.
He's in pretty good spirits. There is talk of him being discharged late today, but we'll see. The full pathology report won't be done until tomorrow, but they think it's a "1-B" level rejection. Sounds like his draft status (Too dated a reference?).
They have an afternoon televised game show here. They run the show on the hospital closed circuit channel, and then the kids call a number on their room phones to answer the question. Jake won the whole thing, and won some Lego prizes. The trivia force is strong in him.
One bad thing - apparently the current treatment regimen has him completely off refined sugar. That means no candy right now, and means we can't eat candy in front of him.
A continued thank you to all our friends who drop by and lift our spirits!
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