Sunday, April 15, 2007

4/16 Status Report- "He had a hat"

Everything is pretty much the same as yesterday, except he's has some occasional spells of agonizing discomfort. Since we just weaned him off of opiates, I don't know what they'll use as a painkiller going forward. I've been reading him some of my antitrust briefs, but that just transforms the pain to painful sleep. He's got some mouth bleeding due to when he bit his tongue a few days ago, as well as from some loose teeth. He's got some moments of limited lucidity and movement (I think), but his lack of strength makes them very short. They gave him his last methadone dose, so now we need to sit and wait (sounds familiar). Dialysis days will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday until renal function begins.

Now a story . . .

A grandmother takes her young grandchild to the beach. Suddenly and without warning, a massive wave comes and washes the grandson out to sea. The grandmother looks to the heavens, and with great faith she believes that her grandson will be OK. Suddenly another wave comes and washes her grandson back to shore, safe and sound. The grandmother looks up to the heavens and proclaims - "He had a hat . . . "

Having loads of time, a mind in need of distraction, and a dearth of reading material, I found myself reading a blog dissecting the Book of Job.
From high school and college, most of us are vaguely familiar with Job and his trials. However, the actual story and text has a decidedly "old world" feel. Among the ordeals that Job endured were the deaths of all ten of his children in a collapsed tent accident.

At the end, Job's faith is rewarded by, among other things, giving him another 10 children. Call me skeptical, but one would think that the first ten children would be somewhat underwhelmed by this "happy ending".

I want my hat back - in the same condition that he started in. I have no doubt in Jacob's unquestioning faith - 3 years of Temple Sinai preschool and a few months of Chabbad sunday school will do that for a kid. For mommy and daddy, waiting for the drugs to wear off and the body to recharge is an enormous test of faith.

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