Monday, April 30, 2007

4/30 Status Report - Higher, Stronger, Faster

We never settle for the mediocre. Like Homer's alter ego Max Power, we do everything to the extreme. ("Just strap yourself in and feel the G's").

Having previously had a white blood cell count of 123,000 and a blood pressure of 49/29, Jake wanted to try something different today. He achieved it with a blood pressure of 190/125 one hour after dialysis. He was up to 220 on one reading. It freaked us out, especially when he complained that his forehead hurt.

The blood pressure appears to be a dialysis balancing issue. However, if they now have to treat him for hypertension as an ongoing condition, it's going to take some time to get his various medications in balance. Of course, we want it fixed . . . now. As Homer says -- "There are three ways of doing things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way! Which is the wrong way, but faster!'

He's in the middle of the C.Diff. stomach infection blues, and is now reminding us of the kind of yucky poo that we thought we had left behind in his newborn years. Our entire hospital hallway has C.Diff., which is disturbing.

I don't know when we are leaving the hospital. Hopefully, by June.


Anonymous said...

Jen and Larry,
We're sorry for the setback. Jacob definitely has gone to all extremes with this. I was going to visit today but then Vilma told me about the stomach issue so I didn't come to visit. All my love.

Ranana, David, Jordan, Jessica and Jamie

Anonymous said...

Oh, Larry and Jen, we're so sorry for the seriously stressful day. We do love that Jacob never does anything half-way.

Gianpaul is talking non-stop about his buddy. His put together a little shoebox with little "gifts" for Jacob. I know they are "treasures" to Gianpaul, but I'm not so sure Jake is going to be as excited. Do you think Jacob would be up for a visit tomorrow (Tuesday?) We really miss him terribly.

See you all tomorrow? (or soon)


Anonymous said...

Jen and Larry:

Sorry for Jake,that's to much for a beloved Angel like him. But he's in God hands, surrounded by healing Angels and hopefully will be Ok pretty soon. You have to have Faith, be Strong, Be there, in body and soul. When something difficult happen in our lives, God give us the streght we need.

I was at hospital today with Ivan's Mom in the E.R. and was thinking of you all the time, I knew about the stomach issue so I didn't want to disturb.

My prayers and the ones of my family and friends are with you.

Tomorrow Ivan's Dad will be at the hospital at the Cardiovascular unit. I will be there in the afternoon. Let me know If it is Ok to visit and see Jake or if there are restrictions for visitors. (due to the unexpected outbreak of C.Diffc)


Lilly and Ivan