Monday, April 23, 2007

4/23 Status Report

We have Monday morning dialysis coming up. He's still got tummy pain and pee pee pain, so they are going to investigate those issues further. They are going to try to "flush" his urinary tract, which should be an interesting experience for him and us. Now that things are less acute, Jen is doing tons of internet research on kidney issues, and will qualify for a masters degree in nephrology by the end of the month.

We have now finished our initial interviews with the Miami-Dade County Department of Health, and they will be doing their e-coli investigation this week. Do we get royalties if this turns into a CSI:Miami episode?

His mind is very sharp, which makes things a little difficult. He remembers every TV show that he's watched in the past week, and doesn't want to watch anything he's already seen, so we have to start getting creative (while Mommy and Daddy frantically work to buy DVD box sets that we don't have).

We hope to get him into the children's rehab room later today for some coloring and workbooks.

Our goal is to move out of the ICU and into the rehabilitation wing by the end of the week. It's much quieter over there, and the rooms are bigger. Once he's out of ICU, I presume the cafeteria people will stop shouting "dead man walking" every time I go through the breakfast line. Of course, they don't let you graduate out of ICU until you pay off your parking tickets.

A little pediatric medical humor:

A boy was assigned a paper on childbirth and asked his parents "how was I born?"
"Well honey ..." said the slightly prudish parent, "the stork brought you to us."
"OH," said the boy. "Well, how did you and daddy get born?" he asked.
"Oh, the stork brought us too."
"Well how were grandpa and grandma born?" he persisted.
"Well darling, the stork brought them too!" said the parent, by now starting to squirm a little in the Lazy Boy recliner.
Several days later, the boy handed in his paper to the teacher who read with confusion the opening sentence:
"This report has been very difficult to write due to the fact that there hasn't been a natural childbirth in my family for three generations."


Anonymous said...

Dearest Silverman's,

It is so fantastic to hear Jacob's amazing progress! We had no doubt that Jacob would get to this point as he is a fighter who comes from a long line of fighters! He is in a wonderful place surrounded my caring people. He is also in the prayers and thoughts of so many and he has a great support network between all his family and friends. Our family will continue to send strength(although Jen and Larry seem to have an abundance of it) and good thoughts. Keep up the good work Jake!!

With much love,
Marla, Shoni, Gary and Paul Greenspan

Anonymous said...

Larry, Jen, and Jacob,
Just checking in on Jacob's progress. Larry, you do a great job keeping us up to speed with everything going on with Jacob. Hope and pray that he continues to get better and make progress. Glad that Jacob will be moving to the children's rehab ward.
Our hearts, thoughts, prayers for each of you. Hope the pain will lessens, even better go away. Keep strong, God is with you. We love you guys. Sherry, Bruce, Christine, Michelle, Katherine
P.S. Ripleys movie picks that Jake might like: The Flintstones the movie, Chicken Little, Happy Feet, Cars, Shrek 1 and 2;Peter Pan and Jungle Book. He might like these if hasn't seen them.

Anonymous said...

Larry, Jen and Jake,

We are so happy to hear things are going well. A bug has been going around the Gross house which is why we have not been by this week. On the Kosher front, any help you need is our pleasure to provide. We will all be traveling around this week so geeting there may not be easy but you are always in our thoughts and prayers. If you need me to bring something there on my way home, just ask.


Rick, Rosa, Marissa, Alana and the pouches

Anonymous said...

Larry, Jen and Jake -

Glad to see that things are looking up for Jake. We're thinking of you guys everyday. Larry - you may want to look into a new career as a comedy writer. I'll be sure that the next care package we send adheres to strict kosher standards. Are "Gushers" considered kosher?

Lots of love - Ron, Sharon, Jonah and Leah

Anonymous said...

Jen & Larry:

Here some of the messages received from my family overseas:

Aleyda (my sister) from Colombia said:

"That's so good to hear that little Jake is OK, I am glad that he's being blessed and that God listened to all the outcries of the family and friends"

Liana and Ersel Ozgen from Antalya, Turkey said:

We have been reading all the e-mails you've sent about Jake during these days and is a lightening to know that in spite of the hard moments that this little boy had to pass, he is recovering with the aid of our God and thanks to the prayers of so many people united in the faith.

We are so glad deep inside our hearts that in spite of all difficult and hopeless scenario that he's to live, it can be said today that he has returned in by himself. We are so glad to receive such hopeful news about Jake and we hope that in just a short time, he can return home next to his Mom and Dad. Be strong and please receive a big hug from us. Take care, Liana, Ersel and Valerie.

Blaquita, my aunt from Colombia said:

"With all my heart I want to tell you that I am so happy to know that Jake is getting better, I saw his picture and I can said that He is a beloved little Angel, here my family saw him and we were so captivated by him.

We don't understand how this could happen to this little boy, but our saying is that for God there is nothing impossible and from the beginning of this, my goal was to pray for Jake every single day and night, my family and friends and in my house we pray every day and we ask God and the Guardian Angel for him to recover definitely and leave that hospital for good.

We will continue praying because we can't stop, there is still a long way to go, but I am sure he is going to be OK, my prayers are also extended to his Parents and Granparents, because I know how you feel in a situation like that. God bless you all, specially Jake and give his parents strength to help him. Blessing from Blanquita de Gil, Aunt Ana, Aunt Herminda, Cousin Willy, sons and daughters.

Alexandra and Denis Boucher from St. John Bay, Canada said:

We are so excited to see the blessing of our Lord in your beloved son Jacob. Every night we read our Bible, the book of Salms and ask God to give streght to his Parents and Family and return the health to this boy. God Bless you!
Alex and Denis.

Pilar,Fernando and Mafe from Port Washington, Long Island, NY said:

We are praying every day for Jake' health, for his complete recovery and we are sure our prayers will be answered. It has been an amazing journey for you and hope soon you will be together at home with your lovely- healthy, smart son.
God bless you! Pili, Fer and Mafe.


Hope to see you soon

Lilly and Ivan

Anonymous said...

Jake! You little tiger! We're so excited to hear that you may soon be in the children's rehabilitation ward. Your progress is no surprise to us -- you are too strong (and cute!) and your parents too smart and sleepless for the outcome to be anything but positive. Of course, it doesn't hurt that daddy has made deals with the druids and you have a world of friends and family sending their strength and happiness via prayers to you. :-) We know you still have the proverbial "long row to hoe," but we're so very happy to hear how you are coming along every day.

We all miss you very much -- Gianpaul, especially.

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. I'm almost over my very nasty cold/flu.

The Battistas (Paul, Camille, Gianpaul & Giuliana)

Anonymous said...

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zcul ntzcebqj k uo j!
fvs lolita xxx
, udfu aw jb q imks o.
pplufd qgnlml xbzo d vooy. nvg, forced sex
, okrw z qbyisisr v gegmms ee adwc vms.

krn ee xwg.