Clostridium difficile is a type of detrimental Clostridium bacteria.
These Substances may Suppress or Inhibit Clostridium difficile
Saccharomyces boulardii (SB) may suppress Clostridium difficile. references
Bifidobacteria may inhibit Clostridium difficile: references
- Bifidobacteria bifidus may inhibit Clostridium difficile. references - Bifidobacteria longum may inhibit Clostridium difficile. references
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Clostridium difficile is resistant to almost all Pharmaceutical Antibiotics.
Vancomycin may suppress/kill Clostridium difficile.
These Foods may Suppress or Inhibit Clostridium difficile
Animal-Derived Supplements
Bovine Colostrum may counteract Clostridium difficile infections. references
Brewer’s Yeast (9,000 mg per day) may suppress Clostridium difficile. references
Toxic Effects of Clostridium difficile
Digestive System
Clostridium difficile may cause Colitis, including a potentially fatal form of Colitis (Pseudomembranous Colitis). Clostridium difficile may cause Diarrhea.
These Ailments may Increase the Risk of Clostridium difficile Infection
Immune System
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients may have an increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection. references Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients may have an increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection. references
Don't know if the first attempt to mail went through - if so, excuse please. I've put some initial thoughts out there for consideration and,hopefully, acceptance. If this is embraced, then additional more specific help will gladly be given. Change is not easy for anyone; with desire,determination and strong committment, we reach our goals. Please feel free to copy and paste this to an e-mail or let me know your feedback:)
I'm happy to share some natural health information for educational purposes only. We never make claims of curing anything. We attribute that process to the human body's own amazing capacity to heal through God's awesome creative power and grand design. What we can do is use wisdom to support that innate process by applying the tried and true principles of healthly living.
Very high stress and trauma to the body systems occur during emergency intervention to arrest a life-threatening situation. Once the crisis is stabilized, the body has an opportunity to fight and the healing can begin. The recovery period can often be the most challenging to us unless we have a good plan to nourish and support (on many levels) the healing powers within. These vital healing forces need extra nutritive help-- concentrated, nutrients beyond a normal diet. It should be obvious to state here the preference for organic since conventionally grown foods are adding insult to injury. The pesticides, growth hormones,antibiotics and other toxic chemicals must be processed through the liver. We're not going to get sparks of life and energy from anything denatured and highly-chemicalized. High-quality, organic whole foods are vital.
Common sense dictates proceeding in gentleness. In nature when animals are sick or injured, they retreat to a quiet spot and allow their bodies to heal by feeding on a high-chlorophyll grass. They also instinctively seek herbs and other vegetation for healing. Chlorophyll helps them to detox, alkalyze and the mineral sulfur boosts immune function among many other processes. We humans need to proceed in gentleness as well. I have so often been amazed when people have suffered major traumas, undergone serious surgery and within a short time are served a huge tray of hard to digest food-- fried chicken, boxed mashed potatoes, white bread and margarine, jello with cool whip and a carton of chocolate milk. Body energy (enzymes) are going to the digestive process instead of support to the healing process.
IN GENERAL: A wholesome diet can easily restore children's natural vitality. Preparation of healthy foods takes a little more time and effort than the convenience of heating a frozen TV dinner, pizza delivery or a drive-through fast food meal, but the change in health is worth it! A diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, light smoothies, diluted juices like apple, papaya, goji, cranberry, etc. is excellent. The best food sources of plant enzymes are fresh bananas, mangos, sprouts, papayas, avocados and pineapples (organic).
Initially in a healing program: a simple low salt, very low protein, vegetarian diet with 75% fresh foods would be helpful for at least a week. Without question, I'd invest in a vegetable juicer -- to make fresh carrot juice along with apples, cucumbers, celery, parsley, etc. Natural juices are so healing to the body. They do not tax digestive processes and provide life- sustaining nutrients into the system very rapidly. I've seen wonderful results not only to myself by juicing, but also to an abundance of clients over the years.
A moderate amount of seafood is easier on digestion than red meat. Sea veggies provide healing amino acids that are kidney friendly protein for healing.
It makes good sense to AVOID all fried, fatty foods, colas, sodas, sugars and caffeine. Trans-fats and deep fried foods are clogging. High-heated oils become free radicals. The colas are loaded with caffeine, 12+ tsp. of sugar, and/or chemicals Aspartame is a neurotoxin with more complaints to the FDA than any other substance. Dairy products also are hard to digest. We want to build up our nutrient stores not deplete them from empty foods needing to be metabolized. (Why avoid refined and/or artificial sugar? Let me count the ways...... it is harmful! You may want to obtain a copy of a book called "Sugar Blues" for starters)
I have found these things to be especially helpful in recovery:
A high potency probiotic such as Natren Megadophilus or UAS DDS acidophilus 1/4 tsp. on empty stomach l/2 hr. before a meal. There are excellent other children's probiotics as well.
Hot and cold therapy to an area of weakness which increases circulation; alternating hot and cold compresses to kidney area
Brisk walks/movement as tolerated. Fresh air, some morning sun.
Enzymatic therapy has a vitaline CoQ10 chewable which supports healthy functioning of the kidneys and to reduce free radicals in kidney failure
Solaray alfalfa juice capsules
Dandelion root tea and parsley /cornsilk tea all offer gentle, normalizing activity to the kidneys. Children enjoy herbal teas.
Evening primrose oil and high omega 3 flax oil reduce inflammation; Udo's Oil by Flora has both. (1-3 tsp. day)
Dialysis patients- ask physician about Liquid Carnitine adjusted for adult/child dose.
Please let me know if you find this helpful. My thoughts and prayers continue with you for Jake's complete recovery.
larry, i only just found out about what your son, and your family, is going through. i wish your son a strong recovery and wish you all the best. -- jim tolpin
Welcome to the Jacob Silverman recuperation blog! Thank you for all your blessings, players and messages. Feel free to leave a comment to any message by clicking on the comment button at the bottom of the message. You can also reach us at or You can also reach me on Facebook at larrysilv.
Also known as: C. dificile; Clostridium dificile
Clostridium difficile is a type of detrimental Clostridium bacteria.
These Substances may Suppress or Inhibit Clostridium difficile
Saccharomyces boulardii (SB) may suppress Clostridium difficile. references
Bifidobacteria may inhibit Clostridium difficile: references
- Bifidobacteria bifidus may inhibit Clostridium difficile. references
- Bifidobacteria longum may inhibit Clostridium difficile. references
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Clostridium difficile is resistant to almost all Pharmaceutical Antibiotics.
Vancomycin may suppress/kill Clostridium difficile.
These Foods may Suppress or Inhibit Clostridium difficile
Animal-Derived Supplements
Bovine Colostrum may counteract Clostridium difficile infections. references
Brewer’s Yeast (9,000 mg per day) may suppress Clostridium difficile. references
Toxic Effects of Clostridium difficile
Digestive System
Clostridium difficile may cause Colitis, including a potentially fatal form of Colitis (Pseudomembranous Colitis).
Clostridium difficile may cause Diarrhea.
These Ailments may Increase the Risk of Clostridium difficile Infection
Immune System
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients may have an increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection. references
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients may have an increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection. references
Related Topics
In-Tele-Health © 2005 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)
Jen, Larry & JACOB,
We are thinking of you everyday, and are looking forward to Jake going home! Pray for Pee!
Eric, Yvette, Brooke & Zak
Don't know if the first attempt to mail went through - if so, excuse please.
I've put some initial thoughts out there for consideration and,hopefully, acceptance. If this is embraced, then additional more specific help will gladly be given. Change is not easy for anyone; with desire,determination and strong committment, we reach our goals. Please feel free to copy and paste this to an e-mail or let me know your feedback:)
I'm happy to share some natural health information for educational purposes only. We never make claims of curing anything. We attribute that process to the human body's own amazing capacity to heal through God's awesome creative power and grand design. What we can do is use wisdom to support that innate process by applying the tried and true principles of healthly living.
Very high stress and trauma to the body systems occur during emergency intervention to arrest a life-threatening situation. Once the crisis is stabilized, the body has an opportunity to fight and the healing can begin.
The recovery period can often be the most challenging to us unless we have a good plan to nourish and support (on many levels) the healing powers within.
These vital healing forces need extra nutritive help-- concentrated, nutrients beyond a normal diet. It should be obvious to state here the preference for organic since conventionally grown foods are adding insult to injury. The pesticides, growth hormones,antibiotics and other toxic chemicals
must be processed through the liver. We're not going to get sparks of life
and energy from anything denatured and highly-chemicalized. High-quality, organic whole foods are vital.
Common sense dictates proceeding in gentleness. In nature when animals are sick or injured, they retreat to a quiet spot and allow their bodies to heal by feeding on a high-chlorophyll grass. They also instinctively seek herbs and other vegetation for healing. Chlorophyll helps them to detox, alkalyze and the mineral sulfur boosts immune function among many other processes. We humans need to proceed in gentleness as well. I have so often been amazed when people have suffered major traumas, undergone serious surgery and within a short time are served a huge tray of hard to digest food-- fried chicken, boxed mashed potatoes, white bread and margarine, jello with cool whip and a carton of chocolate milk. Body energy (enzymes) are going to the digestive process instead of support to the healing process.
IN GENERAL: A wholesome diet can easily restore children's natural vitality.
Preparation of healthy foods takes a little more time and effort than the convenience of heating a frozen TV dinner, pizza delivery or a drive-through fast food meal, but the change in health is worth it! A diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, light smoothies, diluted juices like apple, papaya, goji, cranberry, etc. is excellent. The best food sources of plant enzymes are fresh bananas, mangos, sprouts, papayas, avocados and pineapples (organic).
Initially in a healing program: a simple low salt, very low protein, vegetarian diet with 75% fresh foods would be helpful for at least a week.
Without question, I'd invest in a vegetable juicer -- to make fresh carrot juice along with apples, cucumbers, celery, parsley, etc. Natural juices are so healing to the body. They do not tax digestive processes and provide life- sustaining nutrients into the system very rapidly. I've seen wonderful results not only to myself by juicing, but also to an abundance of clients over the years.
A moderate amount of seafood is easier on digestion than red meat. Sea veggies provide healing amino acids that are kidney friendly protein for healing.
It makes good sense to AVOID all fried, fatty foods, colas, sodas, sugars and caffeine. Trans-fats and deep fried foods are clogging. High-heated oils become free radicals. The colas are loaded with caffeine, 12+ tsp. of sugar, and/or chemicals Aspartame is a neurotoxin with more complaints to the FDA
than any other substance. Dairy products also are hard to digest. We want
to build up our nutrient stores not deplete them from empty foods needing to be metabolized. (Why avoid refined and/or artificial sugar? Let me count the ways...... it is harmful! You may want to obtain a copy of a book called "Sugar Blues" for starters)
I have found these things to be especially helpful in recovery:
A high potency probiotic such as Natren Megadophilus or UAS DDS acidophilus
1/4 tsp. on empty stomach l/2 hr. before a meal. There are excellent other children's probiotics as well.
Hot and cold therapy to an area of weakness which increases circulation; alternating hot and cold compresses to kidney area
Brisk walks/movement as tolerated. Fresh air, some morning sun.
Enzymatic therapy has a vitaline CoQ10 chewable which supports healthy functioning of the kidneys and to reduce free radicals in kidney failure
Solaray alfalfa juice capsules
Dandelion root tea and parsley /cornsilk tea all offer gentle, normalizing activity to the kidneys. Children enjoy herbal teas.
Evening primrose oil and high omega 3 flax oil reduce inflammation; Udo's Oil by Flora has both. (1-3 tsp. day)
Dialysis patients- ask physician about Liquid Carnitine adjusted for adult/child dose.
Please let me know if you find this helpful. My thoughts and prayers continue with you for Jake's complete recovery.
Loving thoughts and concern,
i only just found out about what your son, and your family, is going through. i wish your son a strong recovery and wish you all the best. -- jim tolpin
Well said.
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