We're back in room 406 in the rehabilitation wing- the "hotel" (as Jake had called it). The presidential suite at Ritz it ain't - but it's probably the same price. Our phone extension is back to 1406.
They've told us that our target date for discharge out of the hospital is Tuesday if everything goes well. Vital signs are good today. So far, so good.
Special thanks to Candace for the Carvel birthday cake and "cookie cake." We're carbo loading for discharge day.
P.S. - Did I mention my brother turned 37? I did? OK - just checking.
We cannot begin to tell you how happy we are to hear that Jake is back on the "rehab" floor. We are even happier that his release date has been set for Tuesday. Tuesday, May 15 will be a great day indeed! We wish him a continued speedy recovery during his LAST days in the hopital and at home. Good luck in your "new" house. We wish Jake, Jen and Larry( the immediate and extended family)good health and the best of everything.
With love always,
Marla, Shoni, Paul and Gary.
Jen and Larry:
Happy to know he is back to the other room. To Jennnifer we wish you a wonderful Mother's Day, you have the blessing of your beloved son and wish you to receive more blessings, happiness and health.
You are a fantastic, devoted Mother.
Lilly and Ivan.
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