Like a Phoenix, he's back to full strength again. The berserk period is over, which means no more frenzy and no major havoc. The antibiotics have repelled the space invaders, and he now tests negative for C.Diff.
He's off contact restrictions, and off most of the machines (no more annoying pong sound every 10 seconds). Tomorrow we restart the full range of physical therapy, occupational therapy, track and field practice, french lessons, tuba, jousting, etc. Just as importantly, they've taken off his hand-boards (which worked as the defender of his IV ports) so that he has full range of finger motion.
We have to scramble to buy some of the latest video games in time for his birthday on Thursday. We're planning on a low-key in-room Star Wars party (featuring a cameo from the people who dress up like Stormtroopers and come and visit pediatric wards).
He's in good spirits, except when they try to give him injections or blood tests. When they stir up that tempest, he fights back like a street fighter. He's looking super. Mario's pizza is still the primary request, although tonight it's burger time. We still dig (dug, actually) the hospital food, but it's getting old.
We haven't gone back to the main pediatric floor yet. It's a germ battle zone out there, so we're hiding in the room to punch out (or at least outrun) the infections. We wash every time we touch a wall or pole. Position of each of the numerous bacterial cleanser dispensers is noted on the handy map we give visitors. When we face occasional elevator action, we try to let other people touch the buttons. We're on the vanguard of paranoia.
P.S. - For the very few people who asked (or even noticed), yesterday's entry includes the titles of 28 Tom Cruise movies.
Jen and Larry;
We are happy to know the final battle is over, and our kid will be soon out of there. Meantime, what kind of video games does he want, Ivan would like to give him a present for his birthday. Any suggestions?
Lilly and Ivan
Whoo, hooo, it is going to be a birthday to celebrate. The good guys are going to win this battle.
Happy all is going better for Jake.
I caught "Risky Business" and "The Fourth of July", but I didn't see "Infant Poop". I'll have to look for that in the video store.
Glad to hear Jacob's on the serious mend. We're praying hard for him here in C-town and enjoying your updates.
Blessings, Dan
Hey guys,
We are looking forward to the day when the kid-man will be coming holmes.
OK, I found 20. Looks like I have a little Tom Cruise research to do. I am so glad Jake is improving in time for his big 7 birthday. You guys remain in my thoughts daily. You are an inspiration.
Lori Sochin
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