He's doing well, but they are still keeping a very close eye on the blood pressure . If the blood pressure stays under control, we may get moved back to the regular pediatric floor in the very near future because they are running out of space in the ICU for critical patients.
Blood pressure is calm at night (105 to 115), but during the day it elevates to 128 to 145 even with blood pressure medication. They'd like it under 120. It's unlikely that these levels of blood pressure would lead directly to additional brain lesions, but the easiest way to avoid acutely high blood pressure it to stop it before it gets acutely high.
He looks good, with rosy cheeks and some laughing. He's still got some fine motor and occupational therapy challenges (like difficulty with some finger movements), but those will hopefully resolve through therapy and when the brain lesions heal.
Finally - the previous blog was written without using the letter "s". It was very difficult to do, and nobody noticed (kind of like making risotto). However, Lori Colan's answer was far more interesting, so I'll adopt that one instead.
P.S. - I almost forgot the Calvin & Hobbes quotes:
You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy (John Calvin)
Science is the knowledge of consequences, and dependence of one fact upon another (Thomas Hobbes).
1 comment:
My son, Jim Sammataro, got tired of me asking about Jacob's recovery, so he sent me the blog site. Even though you do not know me, I am keeping your son in my thoughts and prayers. Elaine
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