Jake had a good night and woke up in a good mood. Some of that mood may be due to the fact that he slept 11 hours. He has his first outpatient occupational therapy session at 10:00 this morning. After that I may take him for his first haircut in about 4 months. He's got an early Beatles moptop.
We skipped visiting school this morning because he slept late, but we'll go tomorrow.
Jen and Larry:
Things are getting normal again, that's so good for you and for Jake. My family still ask for him and for his health and pray every day for his complete recovery and for the kidneys function to come back.
Lilly and Ivan
I have an air-bushed picture of the Beatles on my office wall from about 5 years after this one pictured in this blog, when they grew their hair out pre-“Sgt. Peppers” album. I do remember growing up and going into Woolworth’s department store and buying the mop wigs when they came out in the early 60’s. I remember that I thought $7 was a ton of money to buy one them. Shortly after they came out, all the kids started buying them, and wearing them, the adults started freaking out. I went to a Catholic elementary school, and a couple weeks after the mop wigs came out, they were banned at our school. By the time “Sgt. Peppers” came out, and “Let It Be”, the long hair was in and the illicit behavior was normative. Ah, the memories (certain illicit behaviors did not kill all memory cells like the propaganda preached, that is a fact). You should hear Uncle Frank and I do Joe Cockers song “With a Little Help from My Friends”, which we sang at the cookout before Frank and Jami’s wedding. We are still waiting for the agents to call us. Glad to hear you guys are having the beginnings of a life again. You can tell Jake that I was born with Spina Bifida, and I never walked right from the beginning, so I can relate, and now at 51, I have metal brace on the outside, and enough titanium hardware on the inside to make a small space shuttle. But, you know what, it doesn’t matter, because I still rock, and so does he. Back to me real job again, hang in there guys. There is a reason the “defective” humanoids endure, and it is a beautiful thing. Peace. Mark
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