Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1 Report

Jake's still doing well in school. He's very good in math, and is progressing well in reading. The only part of the homework where he gives us grief is that he doesn't have the patience to color the pictures after he's filled in the answers to the narrative questions. We cut him some slack on that (for now).

It's been over a month since he vomited ("Does your tummy hurt? Mommy, you know I don't throw up anymore"). The new bandage-changing procedure is working well, and he says he doesn't mind going to dialysis. One of the other kids in the unit (with a different form of HUS) had her kidneys resume functioning, and he was stoic but disappointed ("I hoped that hers and mine would come back at the same time").

We received a second opinion pathology report from Columbia University Hospital, and they are very pessimistic. They don't think that his kidneys are coming back. We'll have another 24 hour urine analysis next weekend, and we'll see what that brings.

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