Creatinine is down to 1.9. Steroids seem to be working. I take full credit for the diagnosis and treatment. We'll leave at noon and need to return by 7:00a.m. tomorrow.
He was a little nauseated yesterday afternoon. It may be because of the steroids (Solumedrol).
I convinced him to watch part of Star Blazers with me last night. He said he didn't really like it, because he "only likes either funny cartoons or cartoons with some action and some funny", and this didn't have enough funny or action. The fact that it's 9 hours long also plays into his analysis. My new bribe is that if he's well behaved, I'll download a Phineas and Ferb episode from iTunes for his iTouch. When I was a kid, if you were well behaved your parents would beat you with a softer belt.
I went to Best Buy with money in hand to buy a laptop (I was even considering a MacBook). I couldn't get a salesperson's attention, and we left after 15 minutes. Who'd have thunk that people would be shopping on a Saturday afternoon? I think they could smell that I wasn't buying the Geek Squad add-in.
If things are good tomorrow, I'll drive back to Miami in the afternoon.
I forgot to mention - happy Shavout.