Jake is nauseated, but hopefully that will subside. I usually say nauseous, but then Jen corrects me and notes that word is a synonym for noxious. There was a scene in Animal House about that (sensual versus sensuous). OK, where was I?
A couple of cute moments so far.
1. He noted to Grandma that he wishes that there was school over the summer, so he could be missing it while he recuperates.
2. Pre-op, the surgeon asked whether he had eaten since midnight. He immediately confessed that he'd had a single sour skittle at 12:10a.m. because he was hungry.
3. He's kind of stuck in the bed with IV in both arms, so he needed some help scratching his tush. I helped him, and we agreed that I was his buttscratcher. (obscure reference)
I expect that he'll be woozy for a while, because he's on a pretty severe anti-rejection drug cocktail. The kidney function appears to be going well, but the rejection/anti-rejection battle hasn't started yet.
Momma is doing well. America's Next Top Model was on, so I didn't want to be third wheel.
Is that like matter/anti-matter? (for all the Star Trek fans out there)
We are so happy to hear Jacob and Jennifer are doing well.
Please send our love. We pray for a speedy and full recovery for both.
Love, Lauren, Steven, Heather, Brandon, Jacob & Buddy
Dear Buttscratcher -
You are doing such a great job Larry! Jennifer must feel on top of the world seeing beautiful Jake on his way to recovery!
Love to all.
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