I hate to do another entry, because Jen's guest entry should stay on top. You need to promise that you'll continue on and read her entry. Do you promise? Well, OK then.
Jake is on absolute bed rest for 24 hours to recover from the biopsy. This means bedpans and similar problems that a grown 9 year old really despises. In retaliation, he refuses to go potty, and his mood has adjusted accordingly.
The lead nephrologist came by and told us that there may be some rocky times post-dialysis. He then corrected himself and said that there would definitely be rocky times post-dialysis. The current presumption of the nephrology team (without seeing the results of today's tests) is that the doses of anti-rejection medication immediately following the transplant may have had a stun effect on the kidney. If that's the case, they say that it's reversible. The blood flow to the kidney is good, and he's still putting out urine. They have not done a blood test today, so we don't know what today's creatinine levels are.
The technology repair team came upstairs and restored access to some of the missing kid channels. Given that it's a college town, I may put my comparative literature and film theory classes to use and do a shot-by-shot analysis of one of the Disney shows. Kind of an "Inside the Actors Studio", but with less discussion of "the craft" and "the body of work". I need to really explore the Zack and Cody oeuvre.
And this too shall pass...
Thank you for this blog and for allowing folks into your lives. Know that your family is being upheld in prayer by a bunch of guys in Snellville. We are praying for a quick and full recovery for Jake and your wife as well as strength for you as you lead your family through this trial.
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