Bedrest seems to have helped. They cut it down to 18 hours from the full 24. He feels pretty good this morning. The attending nurse said that she's seen little boys on bedrest hold it in for up to two weeks rather than go potty in the bedpan.
He was brave through the early morning blood draw. Much less trauma than usual.
We probably won't have any test results for a few hours. We're anxiously awaiting the results, as well as the box of Yu Gi Oh cards that Uncle Noel and Aunt Dita FedExed to him (which will inevitably get lost somewhere in the mail room).
We've become very well-fed. Thank you to the Cosgroves and the Aldrichs for the Gator Food account. We highly recommend the Thai food at Merlion and the pizza from Leonardo's Pizza. Since I haven't run or biked in two weeks, I'm porking out.
please call when you know something and i'll pass on the message. hoping and hoping and hoping it's all good.
much loe,
Well, I think that's the first time we've ever been mentioned on any blog anywhere (I HOPE!) ... so I feel honored, and you are very welcome. Being Yu-Gi-Goh illiterate and otherwise limited to world of Noggin & DisneyPlayhouse, we figured food was the safe way to go. We are hoping for a speedy recovery are keeping you all in our thoughts & prayers. And tell Jen that she's my hero!! :-)
~Jen Cosgrove & Clan
Sebastian and Sophia say hello and wish for a quick recovery. Always in our thoughts and prayers, The Gutierrez..
You're not missing much at home. It's raining, though good for the grass, also means no good weekend rides. As for food, Leonardo's is a G-ville staple. It doesn't get much better than that.
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