Everybody is doing well. Jen stood up a little, and they wheeled her up to see Jake. Jake is still very groggy, so he missed most of it. His kidney function numbers are looking good, with some (but not all) of the indicators back down to normal kid levels. Since today would have been a dialysis day, that's very encouraging.
Jen's pain is high, but slowly coming down. She's eating solid food. They apparently lost a needle in her somewhere, but they told her that should be a problem. We're hanging out in her room watching the Chelsea/Barcelona game (1-0 Chelsea, on an early Essian goal). She's willing to tolerate it,because Oprah is the only other thing on adult TV. I'm lucky that it's on now, and not during American Idol or Dancing With the Stars. I'm going to switch rooms to sit with Jake, but the chances of him tolerating TV soccer are very, very low.
I went back to the apartment from 11 to 2 to take a nap on a real bed. The bike isn't here yet (maybe this weekend), so I actually did nap.
I hope you're joking about the needle! Glad to hear that Jake's new kidney is functioning. GOOD STUFF! Sam
Agreed. Good stuff.
So glad to hear they are doing well. I too hope you were joking about the needle! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Glad to hear everything is going well! Sending positive vibes and lotsa love from NY - Ron, Sharon, Jonah and Leah
Haiku for the Silvermans:
Blessings for future,
Reassured by blog's highlights.
Full recovery.
It's a numbers game.
May those that need to lower,
Lower, and those that ...
Need to be raised, raise.
Reading all comments from friends
Make me glad I'm one.
David H. Wollins
tell jen, needle or no needle, david is ready for her to start doing high-intensity fitness training, and is looking madly for a trainer up there. lol.
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