Last night, the child life worker asked him what he would ask for if a genie could grant him three wishes. He said "First, all the Yu Gi Oh cards in the world. Second, all the money in the world [to buy cards]. Third, all the gold in the world [to buy cards]." He has no consciousness of the fact that he's sick (although he's really tired of the hospital).
"Speaking of wishes, you know what I never understood? Genies! They tell you to wish for anything you want and then they add some terrible twist. Like you wish to jump high so he turns you into a frog. Why? Who gains from this? The genie? Where's the benefit? You should be fighting genies, man, not me. I'm not the problem; genies are the problem." - Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Phineas and Ferb is one of my FAVORITE kids' shows. Doofenschmirtz is awesome. Perry the platypus is even more awesome. Hope Jacob starts to feel better soon...
I know some things that are true - it is true that Jacob will always be a little bit mine - I know that this one brave kid is amazing, I know that his parents are most incredible..... I know that God is real.... I know that I love you, Jacob, my love heart, and I am with you.......I know these things to be true.... I love you,
Mimi (Mrs. ) Rutland
LOVE Doofenschmirtz and P&F. My son asked me how come his summer vacation is only 84 days when P&F get 104. Good question.
All the best to Jacob & Jen for a speedy recovery!
Mary Carroll
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