Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Genie in a bottle

Last night, the child life worker asked him what he would ask for if a genie could grant him three wishes. He said "First, all the Yu Gi Oh cards in the world. Second, all the money in the world [to buy cards]. Third, all the gold in the world [to buy cards]." He has no consciousness of the fact that he's sick (although he's really tired of the hospital).

"Speaking of wishes, you know what I never understood? Genies! They tell you to wish for anything you want and then they add some terrible twist. Like you wish to jump high so he turns you into a frog. Why? Who gains from this? The genie? Where's the benefit? You should be fighting genies, man, not me. I'm not the problem; genies are the problem." - Heinz Doofenshmirtz


Anonymous said...

Phineas and Ferb is one of my FAVORITE kids' shows. Doofenschmirtz is awesome. Perry the platypus is even more awesome. Hope Jacob starts to feel better soon...

Sam said...

I know some things that are true - it is true that Jacob will always be a little bit mine - I know that this one brave kid is amazing, I know that his parents are most incredible..... I know that God is real.... I know that I love you, Jacob, my love heart, and I am with you.......I know these things to be true.... I love you,
Mimi (Mrs. ) Rutland

Anonymous said...

LOVE Doofenschmirtz and P&F. My son asked me how come his summer vacation is only 84 days when P&F get 104. Good question.

All the best to Jacob & Jen for a speedy recovery!

Mary Carroll