We're in Room 4510. Room phone number is 352-265-0045, but call us on the cell unless it's an emergency.
Two observations. First, is it a southern thing, a hospital thing, or some other thing that explains why people don't say "You're welcome" here? The response to "thank you" is "mm hmm"? What is that?
Second, it took us an hour and half to get admitted even though there was nobody else waiting and they knew that he was an emergency admit due to the potassium. The reason - the charge nurse was "on lunch."
The good news is that there's no IV, and they will be taking his blood tests out of his port catheter. No pain, no problem. He's cool with the hospital experience when there's no pain. He was expecting an IV, but didn't want anybody to talk about it in front of him. He'll have an ultrasound either this afternoon or tomorrow.
I have followed this amazing little boys journey over the past two years from this site and through your brother-in laws store in the Panhandle.
Jacob is a blessing and has so much to offer over the course of his lifetime. He will overcome all these obstacles.
Having a background in nutrition and health services, I wonder if the Hospital has provided any real advice on sound nutrition for his illness. There is substantial research about the link of proper foods and their affect on the organs conducted at major Universities throughout the US. I forwarded some info from the Columbia University Transplant research team to Ed and Rachel the other day. It is worth the read if they have provided the link to you.
I hope my post is a help and provides some new information and or food choice ideas.
May God Bless
We hope for a good night and better news from all the tests.... Sebastian and Sophia say hello and send you a big hug... Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
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