Friday, September 7, 2007

September 7 - A report from school

We received this email today from his teacher:

Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 9:45 AM
Subject: Perfecto!!!!!!!!

Dear Mom and Dad,
Jacob got one of the few PERFECT spelling papers on our test this morning. I am so proud of how well he is doing! I would never know that he missed part of school last year! He is not average; He is above-average at least, but I suspect that he will be at the top of the class by the end of the year. I am not saying this lightly!! He is so smart and "with-it"!! Have a great weekend!!xoxo

We're ecstatic. I though the only words he knew were "start", "save", "load game", "new game", "attack", "defense", and "game over".

P.S. - He recently decided that I'm "jumbo." I told him he'll be jumbo when he grows up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! What a great report to validate Jake's progress.
I'm so excited for all of you. H sounds like he's back to his childhood - with regularly scheduled dialysis visits fit in too.
- Cindy in Ohio