Uneventful night, interrupted by frequent bathroom breaks. It's not that he has old man bladder, he just has to pee heavy and often. Since he's had high blood pressure for a few years, he's on two diuretics (which increase da'flo). They've discontinued one of them, and may discontinue the other one.
We won't know about discharge for a few hours. Creatinine is down to 1.34, so all signs are positive.
He knows he has to drink, but he's still complaining about it.
The exciting part of the day (for him, not me) is that Rockhopper has arrived on Club Penguin. Whatever that means.
Hi, Jake, Jen, Larry and Grandma,
I am happy to here the good news. Thank God the kidney is not damaged and there is no rejection.This is wonderful. Now you all have to watch the fluids intake, meds and follow all the doctors recommendations. There is nobody now to tell you what to do, to push you to do the wright things, to remind you and to discuss what need to be done. You all are on your own and it is a little scary, but you can do it. It is a hard work, but with time passing it will became soon a routine. Jake is a good kid and very adaptable, he will find a way to cope with the new rules and still enjoy his life.Love you all, good look, Lidia
If all parents were as committed, loving and amazing as you and Jen, the world would be a far better place. Now, sugar being laid, for the important part - drinking. I suggest a youthful game of whales tails, quarters etc. only with water and gator aid, and yu gi oh cards. Bet he can beat daddy!
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