Jake was high energy most of the evening. He spoke to some of his friends on the phone, and was fairly chatty. More chatty on the phone than I ever am. He's tired and achy now, but it was a good day for him.
Jen is sore and creaky, but also improving.
I am studying for the exam the transplant unit make you take in order to be discharged. You have to recite all the drugs, the dosages and the side effects. That's not easy, given that there are 10 daily medications. You also have to be able to name the symptoms that require immediate attention. There's an open book test, which we've finished, but they haven't given us the closed-book version yet. I wonder if I'm going to have that nightmare where somebody comes and tells you that you need to go back to high school because you didn't pass a required exam. I have that dream a lot, but that's because I didn't do well in high school and it is plausible that I didn't pass all my high school exams. If they take my NY Regents H.S. diploma away, I would have torepay my Regents scholarship ($250.00).
We go to the apartment tomorrow, or Monday at the latest.
The Russell family would like to wish Jennifer a happy mother's day, you are a super star Jen!!! Jake we wish you a speedy recovery, and Larry I hope your bike gets there soon:-). Best wishes Silvermans
I think Jacob owes mommy breakfast in bed this morning!
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