Friday, May 15, 2009

Jennifer's Blogging Again

A big shout out to my wonderful Mom (also known as Blah Blah by Jacob) who has been with us these past two weeks non-stop. She's amazingly supportive and helpful. She makes sure that Jacob eats, drinks and is comfortable. She makes sure that I eat, drink and rest. And for those of you who know my Mom she is a very strong advocate for our care and treatment. She doesn't mince words and makes sure that everyone is doing their jobs. All this and she has Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia and and she just finished 5 months of Chemotherapy 1 month ago. Right now she is down picking up Jacob's much awaited Yu-gi-oh Cards from Shipping and Receiving in the bowels of the hospital. Mom, we love you very much!!!!

On another note, the Transplant team was in this morning and said that they are very concerned about Jacob's continued trend of upward numbers. They said that there could be an obstruction in the ureter that is causing the kidney to back up. If that is the case, more surgery would be required. However, they won't know for sure until the biopsy results come in late this afternoon.

Larry is out at the apartments, moving from the 1 bedroom to the 2 bedroom. This means that when we are released from the hospital, he will finally have a bed to lay his weary head on.


Anonymous said...

I am sitting here at work and thinking of all of you. Sending all my positive energy your way. You know I would be there if I could and I will be there as soon as I can. God bless your mom and everyone know that you can't keep a great Blah Blah down!

Anonymous said...

Your family will continue to be in our hearts and prayers. Love to all. ~Eliza, Steve and Aviva

Kavetchnik said...

you go, blah blah! we are all thinking about all of you here, jen. call me if you feel up to it later. and make sure you get some rest yourself.

Anonymous said...

The chief advantage sirolimus has over calcineurin inhibitors is that it is not toxic to kidneys. Transplant patients maintained on calcineurin inhibitors long-term tend to develop impaired kidney function or even chronic renal failure; this can be avoided by using sirolimus instead. It is particularly advantageous in patients with kidney transplants for hemolytic-uremic syndrome, as this disease is likely to recur in the transplanted kidney if a calcineurin-inhibitor is used. However, on October 7 2008, the FDA approved safety labeling revisions for sirolimus to warn of the risk for decreased renal function associated with its use.
Sirolimus can also be used alone, or in conjunction with calcineurin inhibitors and/or mycophenolate mofetil, so as to provide steroid-free immunosuppression regimes. However, impaired wound healing is a possible side effect of sirolimus; therefore, some transplant centres prefer not to use it immediately after the transplant operation, instead administering it only after a period of weeks or months. Its optimal role in immunosuppression has not yet been determined, and is the subject of a number of ongoing clinical trials.

Larry and Jen said...
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