He had a quiet night. Everything is hooked up through the port catheter, so they don't have to bother him to draw blood or administer new IVs. There was a 2:00am blood draw that he didn't even notice. We're on a different floor than our previous visits. On the other floors, the nurses wouldn't touch the port catheter. On this floor, they have no problem doing that. This is surprising, because this floor appear to treat less-intensive cases. There's open access to this floor - no passes or permission necessary.
They treated him with insulin and sugar serum to get his potassium level. We much prefer that to the terrible tasting drug they usually use. It is somewhat ironic that they can use a diabetes-related treatment for levels that are elevated due to fruits and vegetables.
The sporting event with the world's biggest financial jackpot is 10:00a.m. this morning. It's the Championship playoff game between Burnley and Sheffield United. The winner gets to join the Premier League and receives $150,000,000 as part of the Premier League TV contract. The loser gets nothing. I couldn't figure out why the game is today, because they don't celebrate Memorial Day in England. Instead, today is the "Spring Bank Holiday" in England.
oh dear. i had no idea you guys were back in the hosptial. remy and i were planning to come visit. we will put those plans on hold for now. i will call you later for an update. we will worry down here while you guys worry up there. hang tight.
Hi Guys,
We were shocked that Jacob is back in the hospital. Rest assured that many positive thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.
Thanks for all of the updates. Keep 'em coming!
Love and Hugs,
Ronnie & Stan
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