Wednesday, June 13, 2007

June 13, 2007 Update

His spirits have been very high. He's got lots of energy. Since he doesn't do much strenuous physical activity, he runs from place to place in the house, dances and shakes his booty to any music that's playing, and is generally full of pep. He's got even more energy on dialysis days like today, which presumably comes from the nap that he takes during that process.

The kidneys aren't doing much filtering. We tried lowering his potassium medicine (the yucky one), based on the belief that he was pooping more (which helps that process). Unfortunately, his potassium levels were very high on today's blood test. That medicine has to be continued until further notice. He and Mommy apparently made some kind of deal whereby he'll agree to take it as long as I'm not involved. Sounds like another surreptitious devaluation of the bribe dollar, but I won't ask too many questions.

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