Saturday, June 16, 2007

June 16 Update

Jen had her kidney donor compatibility tested, and it seems like she's a pretty good match. I think we're tired enough of the dialysis, pharmaceutical regimen and limited renal diet that she wants to accelerate the transplant process. However, our pediatric nephrologist returns from his two week vacation next week, and I presume he'll remind us to stay the course (i.e., a transplant next summer).

Jake is doing well. He doesn't want to go to the day camp at the local art museum, so there's no camp this summer. The art camp is only real camp option for him because it is day-to-day. Since he's in dialysis Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and isn't allowed to go swimming, there aren't a lot of camp options. I guess Tuesdays and Thursdays will be a series of play dates.


Anonymous said...

It was so so good seeing you all at Lion King. Jacob looked wonderful and we were so happy to see him out and about. Our thoughts are never far. All our best wishes,

The Weinstein Family

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys! (my fault, I know). Please sign up for Camp Gianpaul & Giuliana for any Tuesday or Thursday -- or any other day for that matter. We are not at "camp" until mid-July and would looovvve to see more of Jake. (Giuliana has a crush after the Dippen Dots escapade).

After our great dinner out at the Gourmet Diner, GP managed to sucker a Nintendo DS out of daddy a few days later as a kindergarten "graduation" present. (Apparently we reward big for coloring inside the lines). For those who don't know, Jacob is a Nintendo "Specialist" of the highest order. GP was in awe and inspired. Jake, GP cannot thank you enough. You're the man.

That is great news on the kidney compatibility front -- although I just keep expecting the kidneys to kick-in one afternoon. "Hey, look at that, they just started filtering again. Guess they just took a break after the stress of it all..." Kinda like that. I'll talk to the druids.

Will call tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon, Jen.

xoxo Camille
(& Paul, Gianpaul & Giuliana)