Saturday, November 25, 2023

15 Minutes of Fame

Jake got his 15 minutes of fame. There was a "Fall alert" on the hospital PA system because Jake passed out and fell last night. The constant flow of fluids is wearing him out (8 bottles of water isn't enough), and his blood pressure fell low - leading to him passing out when heading into the bed. Unclear whether it's all a side effect of C. Diff., side effect of the drugs, or something else.  They are fiddling with his fluids, so it's unlikely he gets out before Monday.

Here's the fall alert:

When we were sitting in the room yesterday, a nurse stopped in and told him that he looks just like Leif Garrett.

It requires someone of a certain age to make that connection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jake is far better looking than Leif!
Sorry about the passing out…hope that he didn’t get too bruised up from the fall. Hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 and return home!!!!!