Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jake's kidney is working fine. Still generalized pain and discomfort, but that could be C.Diff. or just post surgery. He's in his hospital bed watching the Thanksgiving Day parade, playing networked Mario Kart (as Link) on the Switch, and playing chess on his new computerized chessboard. 

It's a little early to do the two Thanksgiving traditions - 

(1) Listen to Alice's Restaurant:

(2) Watch the WKRP Turkey Drop:

Haven't checked out today's hospital cafeteria offerings.  Maybe a hospital tofurkey? Maybe not.

While Jake's here, the dogs are sad.


Anonymous said...

Erg, sorry the generalized pain continues, but as you say there are ample reasons to feel crummy in Jake’s situation. Does he take painkillers or is it better to avoid them so he can feel the ebbs and flows of the healing process?
Did you dine on your pie-cake?
Those dogs look so snuggly!!!!!
I am guessing they make great sleep-mates. 😴

Larry and Jen said...

Not too many painkillers. Mostly tylenol now.
Pie-cake is in the freezer waiting for the right momemnt...

Anonymous said...

Never too early for the WKRP turkey drop. Hope Jake is doing better!