Saturday, April 21, 2007

4/21-22 Status Report

Saturday was another good day. Jake is awake and aware. We managed to wear him out through physical and respiratory therapies, and he wears himself out through non-stop chatting (making up for lost time). It's amusing to see him get ornery with the medical staff, and we have to refrain from cracking up when he tells them they're being mean to him. He tried to punch the physical therapist, but I don't think she took it personally.

As a break, we let him play some Nintendo DS. His fingers are pretty beat up after 24 days of pin-prick blood sugar tests, so it's hard for him to effectively play -- but he tries. The joy of watching him smiling and playing the game (with both hands) is indescribable. Who says video games have no societal purpose?

He's eating some solid food -- oatmeal, chicken, chocolate pudding, and pancakes (a special request which required an IHOP run).

He's still peeing blood - which now goes through a catheter. It's tough to watch, and is very painful. Over the next few days we'll probably comb the internet for information about kidney-enhancing foods. In addition, as part of our prayers and "negotiations" over the past few weeks, Jen has decreed that we're going kosher. I hope that chicken matzo ball soup can meet our expectations as a super-food.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jen, Larry, and Jacob:

I'm so sorry that about all you have been through. But I am encouraged by some of the new positive developments. I hope Jacob starts to feel better soon and get back to friends and his school. It is hard to know the right thing to say during difficult times like this, but my thoughts are with you. And I wish all of you the very best during this trying time.
Talk to you soon,

Love, Cousin Mike

elena goldberg said...

So happy to hear that there is improvement. Good Job Jacob! Keep up the good work.
We are thinking about you,
Ms Elena and Brooke Goldberg

Anonymous said...

Jen and Larry,
We are so happy that Jacob is making progress day by day. He is a fighter. Jen, I owe you some Kosher cookbooks. All our love,

Ranana, David, Jordan, Jessica and Jamie