Tuesday, May 1, 2007

5/1-5/2 Status Report

Things have stabilized. They've removed the breathing tube. He's still suffering from fever (103+), elevated blood pressure (150+) and elevated heart rate (180+). Some of this may be from what ails him, and some may be from the drug cocktail that they've given him to combat the illness. He can talk, but is mostly groggy and/or asleep while everything resolves. He has a five sentence primary moaning vocabulary - 1. "Cold!"; 2. "Itchy!"; 3. "Mommy!"; 4. "Daddy!"; and 5. "What's on Cartoon Network?"

We still don't know what the full underlying problem is. In particular, the high blood pressure has been a constant post-dialysis challenge the past week, but the combination of (1) the renal issues, (2) the C.Diff. infection (which involved 3 hours of vomiting and diarrhea last night) and (3) a potentially infected catheter, may have combined to kick his scrawny little butt.

On the other hand, we've got food. Cathy and Karen have brought a brand new refrigerator and groceries. It's an unbelievable gesture. All we need now is a keg and a grill.

The real high point of my day was receiving an email from our friend Jon, who is a neurologist by trade. The email said, in essence, "Sorry to hear about the latest development. You should know that a seizure doesn't result in actual brain injury". I didn't know that, and it put everything back into context -- which seems to be a continuous theme.

OK- now for some elemertary school brain humor:

What does a brain do when it sees a friend across the street? A brain wave.
What kind of fish performs brain operations? A neurosturgeon.
Why was the neuron sent to the principal's office? It had trouble controlling its impulses.
What do you call a cow that is a brain researcher? A "moo-roscientist."


Anonymous said...

Dear Larry, Jen and Jacob,

The keg and grill were on backorder, and should be delivered tomorrow. The Jagermeister machine is a different story and will take a day ot two longer. Glad things are better. Love to you all!

Karen and Cathy's Catering Service
(Where ya never know where your next meal will come from!)

Anonymous said...

Larry and Jen,

Thanks so very much for the updates. We all check our computers compulsively to get new "Jake reports." I'm especially glad to know that the frat party spirit is alive and well in the pediatric ICU. Rock on, Jacob.

Camille & Paul, Gianpaul & Giuliana

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Thrilled to see Jon made the blog. Just another reassuring fact about seizures -- I had one after hitting my head playing softball, and look at me now! So Jake has a future being as normal as me, poor kid... So so sorry we are out of town every time the little guy takes a turn but please do call Jon with any q's. We'll bring back some Napa wine for that new fridge. Give him kisses and as soon as he's bette I'll bring him Remy.


Anonymous said...

Dear Larry and Jen,
thank you for taking the time to leave us these updates.The health room staff at MCDS is keeping Jake in our prayers. I was sorry to read about his latest setback, I am glad to see you are able to keep your humor up with all that has happened. Please say a big Hi! to Jake from the health room staff.
Nurse Fran

Anonymous said...

Jen and Larry,

Once one could take a breath and sigh, it hit hard again. My husband has been out of town, and I have my daughter with a fever,..... BUT please know that we think of you often and our prayers continue,....

With love,
Ronit, Carlos, Mica, Tali and Ilan

Anonymous said...

Dear Larry, Jen and Jacob,
Hang in there. We are all thinking about you guys.

The Sanfords