Friday, May 4, 2007

5/4 Status Report, continued

Akerman rushed over a replacement power adapter. I was without internet access for almost an hour. Traumatic, but we overcome . . .

Jake is still hemolizing (breaking down) red blood cells, so he gets transfused (they add a pint and check the oil) when he gets dialysis. It may be that he's still in HUS mode, which could explain some of the other things going on. He's had one or two microseizures (10 seconds or less) this morning.

Dialysis ends at 12:30, and then we go to MRI and then EEG. They'll give him a sleeping medication to get him to hold still for the MRI, so he should be out cold for a while. Of course they said that about the Adavan, and he's still hallucinating and drooling like a drug addict in a Dragnet episode.

Maybe this is all C.Diff related? Bacterial infections have been the bane of our existence. I am reminded of an instructive science experiment regarding bacteria:

Get a microscope and some spit. Put the spit on a glass slide and put it under the microscope lens. Now look through the eyepiece. You'll notice, if you look closely, that you can't see anything, because you have no idea how to operate a microscope. But while you're looking, billions of germs, left on the eyepiece by the previous microscope user, will swarm onto your eyeball - which to them is a regular Club Med - and start reproducing like crazy via wild bacterial sex. You'll probably need surgery. (Dave Barry, 1995)


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