Saturday, May 26, 2007

5/26-5/27 Status Report

We went to the end of tee ball season trophy ceremony, and Jake got a game ball award for being the "most courageous player." I am normally skeptical of the dilution of "the trophy" (when I was a kid you had to win to get a trophy, but we also walked to school barefoot in the snow . . . ) but this was very nice.

He's improving mentally and physically. We had OT today, and we continue to work on field of vision issues. He's a little better each day. His sense of humor is strong. He really liked Shrek 3 last night. It was good to get out, although going to the movies without popcorn is tough.

Unfortunately, he was to be admitted to the hospital next Wednesday to have his catheter repaired or replaced. He'll be put under general anesthesia, and we really hope to avoid an overnight stay.

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