Tuesday, May 1, 2007

5/1 - Come for the bagels, stay for the life support

A bad, bad day. After dialysis, Jake developed high blood pressure again, and it lasted all day and night. He started vomiting at 11:00p.m., and that lasted a few hours. He ended up with a seizure. Not a tremor seizure, but a seizure where his eyes and head locked to the right. The full medical team came (10 people at one point). First, they put him back on the respirator. They then rushed him for a cat scan (no observable bleeding, thank g_d), and they did a spinal tap and a battery of blood tests. We're waiting for all the test results to come back. Meanwhile, he's on all the same old machines. He's out cold, so we don't know how he's doing.

We've moved back to our old room (455) in the ICU. They still hadn't cleaned his previous bloodstains on the ceiling, although you really need to know where to look (it blends with the artwork).

Jen's prediction/prognosis is that he can't physically handle the hemodialysis, and that we'll need to get him stable enough to install a "permanent" periodialysis catheter until the kidneys come back.

Ditto for the kidneys. Occasional small urine.

No kid visits for the forseeable future.


Anonymous said...

Frank Berry is a co-worker and a friend. His parents are good friends too. My prayers are with Jacob and it is my hope his recovery is swift. Children are remarkably resilient. I had pneumonia when I was 8 months old, but I can run a 10K at 50, so keep the faith. Your humor in this moment is touching and heartfelt. Be well, cope well and know the outcome will be positive.

Dan J. Bellor

Anonymous said...

Dear Jen and Larry,

It was a terrible surprise to read of Jacob's (and your) frightening day and night. We will now take a deep breath and be with you every moment as Jacob sucessfully recovers and once again packs his bags for home. What took him weeks to accomplish last time, he will do in days this time. Your little guy is going to surprise you again with his strength -- and facility with complex Pokemon games.

Paul and I are so sorry for the roller coaster ride you are on. If you do not know it already, you both are doing an amazing job. Hang in there. Don't commit yourself to the Funny Farm just yet. In between naps and pain meds, Jake is going to continue to dazzle us all. Big hugs, little guy. We love you.

Paul and Camille (and Gianpaul & Giuliana)